Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Vol 11 #4 - Homer Simpson Files for Damages: Randal Roberts Miffed!

Trailer 34 news agency reported today that American legend Homer Simpson has filed for damages against Omega Dining Hall Manager Randal Roberts, stating that the enlightened cover art of Mr. Simpson on this months Chronogram is detrimental to Mr. Simpson’s livelihood. The charges go on to claim that Homer Simpson’s income depends on the general public viewing him as unintelligent, ignorant and selfish, all of which are qualities that Mr. Robert’s painting undermines. Mr. Simpson’s youthful attorney, Bart Simpson, issued the following statement on behalf of his father and client. “Yo’ dude! Give it up! The only good thing about my dad is his appetite. Painting him to look like a Saint is going to cost our whole family lots of dough!"

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