Thursday, May 21, 2009

#7. This Brand Is Your Brand This Brand Is My Brand

Trailer 34 news agency reported today that the Omega Wellness Center will soon offer branding as one of the Wellness Center services. Several branding irons, each with sacred symbols on them, have been imported from the Balinese village of Kintimani, a village known more for its mysterious and somewhat ghoulish open cemeteries than for its craftsmanship.

The branding services will take place in the sauna during morning hours, when the sauna is not open to the public. Each branding iron will be heated on the dry sauna, then applied delicately by the festively dressed Balian, or Balinese shaman. A full body scrub laced with Novocain will then follow each branding session to alleviate any temporary pain to the guests.

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